Yearly Plan
Auto renew, billed yearly.
Cancel within 30 days for a full refund.
300 signature requests per year.
Legally binding digital signature (certified by AATL ).
Automatically notify recipients when signature is sent.
Multiple files signing and batch sending.
Support signing on mobile devices.
Save and manage digital signatures for long-term use.
Provide audit trail and certification.
2 WEB online device restrictions.
20GB cloud storage.
24*6 customer service support.
Monthly Plan
Auto renew, billed monthly.
Cancel within 15 days for a full refund.
20 signature requests per month.
Legally binding digital signature (certified by AATL ).
Automatically notify recipients when signature is sent.
Multiple file signing and batch sending.
Support signing on mobile devices.
Save and manage digital signatures for long-term use.
Provide audit trail and certification.
2 WEB online device restrictions.
20GB cloud storage.
24*6 customer service support.
Free Plan
Individual Yearly Plan
Enterprise Plan
Basic Function
Signature requests
Notifications and reminders
Cloud storage
+0G,10MB max per file
+20G,30MB max per file
+100G,30MB max per file
Set recipient permissions before sending
Signer authentication (OTP)
Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL) digital certificate
Signature field property setting
Sign multiple documents in batches
Send to multiple recipients at once
Real-time audit trail
Mobile-responsive signing
Feature for Enterprise
Access management & SSO login
Contract sales
Admin console
User permissions & management
See All features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Access:
-The Individual Yearly Plan is designed for a single user with a fixed account.-The Enterprise Yearly Plan accommodates a flexible number of users, allowing organizations to adjust the number of licenses as needed.
Management Tools:
-The Enterprise Yearly Plan includes a comprehensive Enterprise Management Dashboard, which enables administrators to manage all licenses and user accounts efficiently.-In contrast, the Individual Yearly Plan does not provide access to such management capabilities.
Commercial Usage:
-The UPDF Sign Enterprise Plan permits users to utilize the service for commercial purposes without any copyright concerns.-The Individual Yearly Plan does not grant the same level of commercial usage rights.
Cloud Storage:
-Users of the Enterprise Yearly Plan receive an additional 100GB of cloud storage.-In comparison, users of the Individual Yearly Plan are allocated an additional 20GB of cloud storage.
- Go to "Member Management" to add or remove members.
- Select a member to authorize or deauthorize using the respective buttons.
- Digital Signatures:The Enterprise Yearly Plan offers unlimited digital signatures and can be purchased for 1-10 users.
- Purchasing Options: The "Contact Sales" option allows organizations to buy more than 10 licenses and offers custom enterprise plans.
- Support Services: The "Contact Sales" option includes Single Sign-On (SSO) login for easier management and additional services tailored for larger teams.
- If you have specific needs, you can reach out to a sales consultant for personalized assistance.